The beginning. . .

 It all started with the release of PUBG PC. All of the gaming enthusiasts were excited to get their hands into this very game. Many gamers emerged & started to stream their gameplays on YouTube just for fun but in the later future who could even imagine that this game would bring a breakthrough into this world. Even I liked to watch some streamers like Shroud, ChocoTaco. They were like the most renowned names into this game. With the publicity & trend for this game growing more and more, their stream started to attract a large group of audience.

Almost every gamer in India were also eager to play this game but there were also many people who didn't had pc or laptop powerful enough that would support this game so many people including myself wished that this game should soon make its way onto mobile platforms & finally the dream came true with the release of Pubg mobile.

On 16th March, 2018 the first beta version of the game was released on both android & iOS platforms. This was like a gift to us, as soon I heard the news I downloaded the game & got into the game. I was so excited to play this game and after the very first match, I was convinced that this definitely will make its presence in the community because this was not just a game but also it was a platform for friends where they could talk along while playing together in real-time experience. 

PUBG mobile Club Open Fall Split 2019

Months after into the game then came the news that there is going to be an event or tournament in PUBG mobile where teams will participate all across the world & with this news many eSports team emerged from india as well. By that time even I had a team of four players who were really into the game & wanted to prove ourselves. The matches started around March 2019, we participated. The very first match into the competitive eSports & soon after we understood the level of competition into the game. Any how we made to round 2 but after that we were eliminated. We were sad that we couldn't make it further into the rounds & soon we decided to leave the game thereby.

This was just a beginning, there's much more ahead into the story stay tuned.
